While Trailblazers usually shares the stories of Trailblazing Tradeswomen, we cannot overlook our allies, others who are blazing trails and trying to bring others to the skilled trades.
This podcast shares the amazing story of Josh Zolin and his story from stuntman to CEO of Windy City Equipment - winner of Inc 5000's Fastest Growing Companies the last 3 years.
An interesting and amazing story of what success is!
While Trailblazers usually shares the stories of Trailblazing Tradeswomen, we cannot overlook our allies, others who are blazing trails and trying to bring others to the skilled trades.
This podcast shares the amazing story of Josh Zolin and his story from stuntman to CEO of Windy City Equipment - winner of Inc 5000's Fastest Growing Companies the last 3 years.
An interesting and amazing story of what success is!